Follow me on my weight loss journey with Insanity

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Change of Plans

So, I've decided that I am going to attempt Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, instead of Insanity.

Insanity may be a little too intense for this our of shape girl and also, it takes longer at each workout. I was trying to find something that was challenging, but also less time consuming.  With my busy schedule I feel that this new plan will be easier to stick to.

Wish me luck.....I better change the name of this blog, huh?

Monday, May 7, 2012


It's been a few weeks since I have worked out at all, I feel miserable about that fact, but I am being completely honest with you.

I wish I would have stuck with the workout regimen better, I know I can do more and I need to push myself.

Time is not on my side!  I know my baby comes first but I need to be healthy for her sake, also.  I need to realize that my time spent working out is sacrificing time I spend with her now, but I know I need to be around as long as I can to watch her grow and that starts now.  I am still young, but I wont be forever, that is why I need to stay in shape and eat healthy and use my HEAD.  Working out makes me feel better about myself, and it is helping my heart stay healthy too. 

So, today, I will re-start my Insanity workouts, I will be starting back on Day 1, I could cheat and go to Day 20 where I ended my last attempt, but it won't be beneficial to me to cheat myself.

Day 1, Round 2 here we GO!

New Day 1 pics still to come!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


When I began Insanity I had every intention of sticking with it.  It made me feel good to be so active and to be eating healthier.  My motivation for eating healthy was the simple fact that I didn't want to waste all the calories I burned doing the DVDs on junk food!  I am still eating healthy and watching my calorie intake.  I never thought I would be one to read labels and check calories per serving but I find myself doing it constantly.

I am staying within my 1,500 calorie per day range, give or take a few. 

I did not realize or consider how busy my life would be come Spring.  Nick and I have 2 large gardens, flower beds, 5 chickens, 3 cats and 2 dogs.  Also, I have an almost 4 month old baby girl that needs me more than I need to workout.

I start my day at 5am, get up, shower, make Madison's bottle and cereal, feed her, burp her, change her and play with her.  I get ready for work and then I drive Madison to Beth's house in Jackson.  Come back to Hanover for work for approx. 8 hrs, go get Madison from Beth's and come home (if I don't have any errands to run).  Once I arrive home at around 6pm I feed her, burp her, change her, play with her, put her down for a nap and go outside to do yard work.  I then make dinner, eat dinner and by that time it's usually after 9pm and I am ready for bed.

I am not writing out my schedule for anyone to feel bad for me, I am simply trying to demonstrate the average day in the life of Jenny Denig.

I wouldn't trade my time with Madison for anything in the world and I wish we could spend even more time together, and I love my job and the people I work with and I wouldn't trade that either.

I do burn calories and I hope to be able to get some of the Insanity workouts in, but unfortunately it will have to be on MY schedule, not by the Insanity Calendar.

I am still at 6lbs down, and I hope to continue to burn fat and lose weight working outside, at work and taking care of Madison.  I also want to keep doing "run club" with Kelsie and Amanda (and maybe get a run in with Emma every now and again)

Wish me luck, friends.  I am struggling with some self esteem issues now and I hope to be past that soon.  I am getting in shape, eating healthier and taking on a more active lifestyle.  I need to keep reminding myself of that.

Love you all and thanks for all the support and encouragement!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 19 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit

The schedule was actually for Cardio Power & Resistance, but unfortunately the DVD would not work last night and I had to skip ahead to the Plyometric Cardio Circuit, which is one of the hardest workouts! 

I think my Heart Rate Monitor is a piece of you know what....said I only burned 51 calories and this morning while getting ready for work I burned 60...hmmmm haha.  Oh well, I know I am burning more than that and it felt great to be able to get the workout in, even though it wasn't "on schedule" with the calendar :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day 18 - Cardio Recovery and Cardio Abs

So I tried to get my entire workout in but Maddy had other plans.  I started Cardio Recovery and made it more than half way through and she started screaming, I got out her swing and set it up so she could watch me do Cardio Abs and I only made it half way through that workout before she needed me.

I did get a little bit of a burn in, which is definatley better than nothing.

Maddy is #1 and I needed to be with her at the time.  Hoping to get an ENTIRE workout in today!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Feeling Guilty

With all the buzz around the holiday and being so busy at work and at home, I haven't worked out in DAYS.  I feel disgusting to say the least.  I told Nick that I feel like I still look exactly the same as I did at Day 1 and I was getting very frustrated with myself because I have put in so much work so far to just give up now.  So no matter how hard my days are, I know I have to get my workout in, even if it is just for my own peace of mind.

I tell ya, doing a kick-butt workout may seem tough, but stopping is even worse on my self-esteem and overall well being.  I have to get back at it.

I need your help staying motivated!!!!

On a good note, Nick said I look beautiful and he doesn't think that I needed to lose any weight in the first place....what a tweety bird.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day 17 - 2.5 Mile Run + Cardio Abs

Ran 2.5 miles after work today and once I got dinner in the oven and Madison down for a nap I completed the Cardio Abs Workout.

I kind of splurged today and went out and got myself new Nike running shoes and a Heart Rate Monitor that I have no idea how to operate.  I used it the entire time I ran and did Cardio Abs and it says I burned 11 COME ON, that is not accurate! Hahaha.  Guess I better read that darn manual!

Hope everyone else had a fantastic day, until tomorrow...take care!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Day 16 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Success.  I can't believe it but I made it all the way through this workout without having to skip anything and I did most of the workouts for the entire time! Woo Hoo!  This proves that I am getting into shape.


Proud that I did the workout yesterday and I feel fantastic.

On to Day 16 tonight, and a possible jog with Emma! :)

Have a great day everyone!  Happy Monday

Saturday, March 31, 2012

6 Pounds Down!

I just wanted to say I'm sorry to those of you that follow my posts...I haven't written in a few days, and well, that's because I haven't done my Insanity DVDs in a few days.  Don't you worry though, I have been getting plenty of exercise.  My schedule was crazy last week and there just aren't enough hours in the day.  Plus, with a 3 month old, it's sometimes difficult to plan my evenings :)

I have been very active this week and I have really been paying attention to what I am eating.  Using I am tracking all of my food/beverage intake and I have remained under my 1,500 calorie/day mark every single day! I try to add in all of my workouts but some of the moves I do aren't listed so at least I can track calorie intake.  I almost ate a pop tart last night, until I looked at the label....200 calories in ONE, yes ONE pastry and I am sorry, but when do you open that foil and only eat ONE pop tart?? So, I passed and had carrot sticks instead.

I am so proud of my choices lately.  Yesterday at work, I even passed on pizza (one of my many weaknesses, plus my boss bought it for everyone so it was free!) go me! 

It may take me 65 days to complete Insanity but I will do it!

I have done my Insanity DVDs for 2 weeks and I have lost 6 lbs!  I have to keep this up, with results like these, I would have to be "INSANE" to stop now!

.4 lbs/day = 24 lbs down in 60 days :) I can dig it.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

3 Mile Run

Since it was so nice out when I got out of work, I decided to go for a run instead of doing my Insanity DVD for today.  My goal was to make it 3 miles, it was tough and I wanted to quit, but I pushed myself and made it the entire 3 miles without stopping!!

I think it was more difficult than I suspected because I was running into the wind the last 1.5 miles and that was tough.  The Falling Waters Trail by Lime Lake was beautiful, as always, but the wind was horrendous!  Also, the lady sitting by the water with the 12 chihuahuas without leashes biting my ankles and tripping me up didn't help either!

I feel great that I finished, I even ended the last leg of the run in a dead sprint, I started that sprint earlier than I should have and ended up sprinting for longer than I wanted but I didn't quit, I didn't pass out, I survived.

My limits and becoming less and less, my goals are becoming larger and larger and they are within my grasp.

Another pound lost, down 5lbs in 2 weeks.

I just got done with dinner and I still have 408 calories I can consume!!! Hahaha, good thing there are no snacks in the house!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 14 - Fit Test #2

The first day of Insanity, you do the Fit Test to get your baseline to work up from doing as many repetitions as you can in 1 minute.  See how Day 1 went for me here.  As you will read, I didn't make it through the entire workout and I was so worn out that I didn't even count my repetitions so I don't have a base to start.

Today, I did the Fit Test again and I did make it all the way through the DVD and compelted all of the exercises!

Here are my scores:

Switch Kicks = 100
Power Jacks = 50
Power Knees = 70
Power Jumps = 15
Globe Jumps = 10
Suicide Jumps = 13
Push-up Jacks = 15
Low Plank Obliques = 50

If you wonder what any of the above named exercises are, just click on the name and you can see for yourself!  Give 'em a try (after a nice stretch of course) how many can you do??

When I do the Fit Test again in 2 weeks I hope my numbers have improved and I know they have from Day 1 since I didn't even finish that day!

Yay!  Just another day closer to reaching my goals! :)

Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 13 - Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs

Please reference my previous post regarding the Pure Cardio workouts, just to recap, they are INSANE! 

So, instead of only doing Pure Cardio this crazy animal has me do Pure Cardio followed by Cardio Abs!  You have to be plum crazy Shaun T!

I guess I should have known what I was getting into with a workout called Insanity!! Haha

I just got done with the 1 hour and 10 minute workout and I am whipped y'all!  I worked all day, went and picked up Madison, put her down for a nap in her crib, checked on the chickens, checked on my crock-pot dinner, fed the dogs and cats, showered, started a load of laundry and did the dishes.  Thank goodness Maddy is a good little napper so Mommy can BREATHE for a minute!!

I really did enjoy the Cardio Abs workout, that's where I feel I need the most work and today is the first day that the focus was on my core.  Felt great and it feels even better to be done for the day ;)

Now, off to sew on patches to our work uniform shirts, feed Madison and eat dinner!!


I decided not to workout to my Insanity DVDs this weekend.  I ran on Saturday, 2.5 miles and it really made my joints SCREAM!  That's really no excuse, but I haven't ran in ages and I didn't expect to be so sore afterwards in my knees. 

I ate sensibly and went up and down the stairs and helped outside some so I think I still burned some calories this weekend, but not like I would have on Insanity.

I am back at it tonight, going to do my scheduled Saturday workout tonight.

Wish me luck! (Pure Cardio + Cardio Abs!)

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Day 11/12

Since I missed a day last week I decided to make up for it yesterday on Day 12, so I did my Cardio Recovery AND Cardio Power & Resistance DVD's

I was whipped but feeling great.  I am so excited that I am starting to see results already, I can only imagine what I will feel like and look like after another 48 days on Insanity!

Oh, and I joined a "run club" with Kelsie and Amanda and I just got home from a 2.5 mile run, GO ME!


Friday, March 23, 2012

Updated Stats!

Last night I weighed and measured myself again, below find my measurments from March 17th and then the changes on March 22!

                          March 17:                           March 22:

Weight:             148lbs                                 146lbs
Waist:                36"                                      35 3/4"
Hips:                  42"                                      40 1/2"

So, great news!  I have lost another 2 lbs for a total of 4 lbs in 10 days AND I've lost 1/4" off my waist and 1 1/2" off my hips!!!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day 10

BUST!  I have all the common excuses for why I didn't complete my workout tonight but I am sticking by them.

1.  I had to work later than I planned.
2.  I had a slightly cranky and constantly hungry baby girl.
3.  It was 80 degrees in our house and Nick wouldn't let me turn on the air!
4.  We were grilling out and I was enjoying that time with Nick and Madison.

Nick and I both took off of work on Friday and I plan on doing one workout in the morning and one in the evening since one of them is a Recovery and won't take too much exertion.

Also, Saturday I will be attempting a 3 mile run with Kelsie and Amanda on the trail....oh boy!  And I will also do my workout that night too so I think I am OK.

I should have done it last night but sometimes spending quality time with my little family trumps spending 45 min in my bedroom killing it.

Back at it today!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 9

Awesome workout, PURE CARDIO, again!  Even Shaun T. (the trainer who created Insanity, P90X and the soon to be released Insanity-Asylum) was asking himself why he does such insane things to himself....his answer, because he wants to look good!  Ok, I can dig it.  Whip my big ole butt into shape Shaun T!  I'm "in it"!

I feel fantastic and today I bought a 5lb canister of Vanilla Whey Protein Powder and made my first after workout shake with pineapple, mango and strawberries, along with some soy milk and the whey powder of course.  It's very tasty, filling and is actually helping my muscles feel better after my intense workout.

The gentlemen at Vitamin World suggested that I make one shake for breakfast and one right after my workout using 2 scoops of powder in the morning and 1 in the evening.  I was concerned that by using protein I would be gaining weight, well I might just add a few numbers to my actual scale weight but with the intense workouts Insanity brings I am burning calories and fat like crazy and the protein will help me build muscle.  So I am losing fat, not weight and building muscle!

So, my weight might not go down 15lbs, but as long as I can see and feel the power of Insanity working I am ok with that!

Bring it, Day 10!

Measurements Day 6

I finally got a hold of a cloth tape measure thanks to my Mom, below are my measurements 6 days in:

Waist - 36"
Hips - 42"
Right Thigh - 23"
Bicep - 12"
Weight - 148lb.

Day 8

I almost didn't even do this workout.  This may be T.M.I for some of you but I was having the worst cramps of my life, some of you ladies will understand it is often difficult to even stand up straight let alone do power squats, tricep dips and high knee kicks (just to name a few)! 

Needless to say, I was not 100% last night but I pushed myself through 1/2 of the workout until Nick made me quit because I was hurting so bad. 

I was furious with myself and still am a little disappointed that I couldn't finish Day 8, these workouts should be getting easier on me, but it wasn't my muscles or joints, or lung capacity that was keeping me from completing the workout, still, I feel terrible.

I will continue on and complete Day 9 tonight and maybe take a light jog afterwards to make up for a few more calories I should have burned on Day 8. 

These things happen, I understand, but I have a goal and I can't take a day off!  After I didn't finish the workout I started to feel bad about myself and my body, looking in the mirror I don't look very different at all, but I know I have just started on this journey and I know I will keep changing every day.  I just had an off day and I will be back on track to losing 15 lbs tonight!

If you have any encouraging words, please share them with me below, I could use a little bit of a pick me up...

Have a great day everyone!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Day 7 - REST

REST!!!!  Thank goodness, I get the day off :) I enjoyed it going to church with Madison, taking a nice nap with her and then playing outside watching and helping Nick build the Chicken Coop.

Have a great Sunday everyone!

Day 6 - Plyometric Cadio Circuit (2 LBS DOWN!)

What a day!  I got my workout in by noon and felt so fantastic the rest of the day.  To be honest though at the end of the workout I skipped like 5 minutes of the DVD, my brain said MOVE, YOU CAN DO IT but my body literally wouldn't listen.  I am still proud of myself because even the people doing the workout on the DVD take breaks, it's really no joke!  I love the way I am feeling, I have never stuck with any workout routine the way I have stuck with Insanity, it's not easy by any means but I feel great once I am done and I can feel it all over in every muscle, but in a GREAT way!  I now weigh 148lbs (now, I don't have a scale and I'm not sure what I was even wearing when I weighed in at 150, but last night at my mom's I weighed 148)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Day 5 - Pure Cardio

Pure Cardio is right.  This workout was extra intense with a dash of pure torture thrown in, but I made it all the way through, I can tell my body is adjusting to the extreme workouts and I can tell I am getting stronger everyday.  My abs are hurting this morning which excites me, thats the part of me I want to change the most and up until today the only parts of me that hurt were my legs and shoulders.  I can't wait to see what Day 6 brings.....I'm "IN IT"

Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 4 - Cardio Recovery

Thank goodness, last night's Day 4 workout was called Cardio Recovery, from now on I will look forward to these workouts.  It was mainly deep muscle stretches with some plank work and squats, but in comparisson to the rest of the week last night was EASY.  I could do all the exercises no problem, they were hard, but at a much more relaxed pace.  It's on tonight though, I noticesd that the workout for Day 5 is called Pure Cardio and I am pretty intimidated.  Wish me luck!!  So far so good, staying on track!! :)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Before Pictures Day 1 of Insanity 3/12/12

Day 3

I almost didn't do Day 3, not because I didn't want to (haha) but because the DVD wouldn't play in our DVD player, we had to dig out our old small DVD player and when Nick got it to work I was glad and sad at the same time!  That meant I had to do it, NO EXCUSES! But, I knew I would be mad at myself for not completing Day 3, I'm just getting started and need to keep up this pace.

I already feel better about myself, just for doing the work.  I can't see any changes yet in my body but I can definately feel the changes taking place not only physically (last night's circuits have my legs and shoulders feeling the burn!) but also mentally.  I feel great about myself, I am not snacking anymore, eating healthier, which was always hard for me.  I think doing all the work during Insanity makes me consider what I put into my body more.  I dont want to cancel out all that hard work with a few oreos and some cheez-its.  I passed up temptation twice while at work, I was offered McDonald's and pizza and said NO to both!  Those are 2 of my weaknesses but I knew I would feel terrible if I gave into my temptations and ate my past favorites.

So I said no, and I hope to be able to keep up that will-power while getting fit and beyond!

Wish me luck for Day 4, I can hardly walk so I wonder how I will feel while doing Insanity!

Day 2

Going into Day 2 I was literally afraid for my life, especially when I saw Nick after he had completed the workout and he was out of breath, sweating buckets and generally didn't want to even talk to me.  This workout was much more intense and the circuits they had me doing were insane!  I got through it though, for the most part, and I am extremely proud of myself.  I did have to take a few breaks because Maddy was screaming bloody murder and I wanted to check on her :) 

This morning I can feel it in my legs and arms and that lets me know it's working.  I love to feel the burn! I have to admit that it is difficult and will most likely continue to be to take the time out of my day for a 45 minute workout.  I work full time, have a 2.5 month old baby, and a home and husband to take care of, not to mention 2 dogs and 3 cats!!  Needless to say, I'm a busy girl.  I just realized that the sacrifice now will benefit everyone in my life in the long run. If I am healthy I will be around longer to take care of all the above mentioned.  Let alone, feeling better on a daily basis, being happier with more energy will benefit not only me, but my work and loved ones.  My conclusion:  it will all be worth the sacrifice!

Stay tuned for more updates!!!

Day 1

I have to admit that I was completely intimidated by the Insanity workout DVD's that sat on my counter for a couple of weeks.  I also didn't think it would be that bad once I started.  I began the warm up on Day 1 and thought, this isn't so bad.  About 10 minutes later I was so focused on not passing out and not throwing up that I lost count of my repetitions and have no idea where my starting line is, but I made it almost all the way through it (I had 4 minutes left and sadly gave up) but, hey, I just had a baby and honestly haven't done any real exercising in years. 

After completing the workout and taking about 30 minutes to recover with the consuption of a gallon of water I was able to appreciate the benefits thats this high intensity workout will bring.  Please follow me on this journey and help keep me on track, knowing that I have to check in with my blog and continue to show you that it can be done will help me stay focused, positive and healthy.  Below, please find my starting stats (measurments to be done later in the week since I dont have the proper tape measure!)

  • Weight: 150lbs
  • Pant Size: 9/11