Follow me on my weight loss journey with Insanity

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 9

Awesome workout, PURE CARDIO, again!  Even Shaun T. (the trainer who created Insanity, P90X and the soon to be released Insanity-Asylum) was asking himself why he does such insane things to himself....his answer, because he wants to look good!  Ok, I can dig it.  Whip my big ole butt into shape Shaun T!  I'm "in it"!

I feel fantastic and today I bought a 5lb canister of Vanilla Whey Protein Powder and made my first after workout shake with pineapple, mango and strawberries, along with some soy milk and the whey powder of course.  It's very tasty, filling and is actually helping my muscles feel better after my intense workout.

The gentlemen at Vitamin World suggested that I make one shake for breakfast and one right after my workout using 2 scoops of powder in the morning and 1 in the evening.  I was concerned that by using protein I would be gaining weight, well I might just add a few numbers to my actual scale weight but with the intense workouts Insanity brings I am burning calories and fat like crazy and the protein will help me build muscle.  So I am losing fat, not weight and building muscle!

So, my weight might not go down 15lbs, but as long as I can see and feel the power of Insanity working I am ok with that!

Bring it, Day 10!

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