Follow me on my weight loss journey with Insanity

Saturday, March 31, 2012

6 Pounds Down!

I just wanted to say I'm sorry to those of you that follow my posts...I haven't written in a few days, and well, that's because I haven't done my Insanity DVDs in a few days.  Don't you worry though, I have been getting plenty of exercise.  My schedule was crazy last week and there just aren't enough hours in the day.  Plus, with a 3 month old, it's sometimes difficult to plan my evenings :)

I have been very active this week and I have really been paying attention to what I am eating.  Using I am tracking all of my food/beverage intake and I have remained under my 1,500 calorie/day mark every single day! I try to add in all of my workouts but some of the moves I do aren't listed so at least I can track calorie intake.  I almost ate a pop tart last night, until I looked at the label....200 calories in ONE, yes ONE pastry and I am sorry, but when do you open that foil and only eat ONE pop tart?? So, I passed and had carrot sticks instead.

I am so proud of my choices lately.  Yesterday at work, I even passed on pizza (one of my many weaknesses, plus my boss bought it for everyone so it was free!) go me! 

It may take me 65 days to complete Insanity but I will do it!

I have done my Insanity DVDs for 2 weeks and I have lost 6 lbs!  I have to keep this up, with results like these, I would have to be "INSANE" to stop now!

.4 lbs/day = 24 lbs down in 60 days :) I can dig it.

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