Follow me on my weight loss journey with Insanity

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 2

Going into Day 2 I was literally afraid for my life, especially when I saw Nick after he had completed the workout and he was out of breath, sweating buckets and generally didn't want to even talk to me.  This workout was much more intense and the circuits they had me doing were insane!  I got through it though, for the most part, and I am extremely proud of myself.  I did have to take a few breaks because Maddy was screaming bloody murder and I wanted to check on her :) 

This morning I can feel it in my legs and arms and that lets me know it's working.  I love to feel the burn! I have to admit that it is difficult and will most likely continue to be to take the time out of my day for a 45 minute workout.  I work full time, have a 2.5 month old baby, and a home and husband to take care of, not to mention 2 dogs and 3 cats!!  Needless to say, I'm a busy girl.  I just realized that the sacrifice now will benefit everyone in my life in the long run. If I am healthy I will be around longer to take care of all the above mentioned.  Let alone, feeling better on a daily basis, being happier with more energy will benefit not only me, but my work and loved ones.  My conclusion:  it will all be worth the sacrifice!

Stay tuned for more updates!!!

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