Follow me on my weight loss journey with Insanity

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Day 6 - Plyometric Cadio Circuit (2 LBS DOWN!)

What a day!  I got my workout in by noon and felt so fantastic the rest of the day.  To be honest though at the end of the workout I skipped like 5 minutes of the DVD, my brain said MOVE, YOU CAN DO IT but my body literally wouldn't listen.  I am still proud of myself because even the people doing the workout on the DVD take breaks, it's really no joke!  I love the way I am feeling, I have never stuck with any workout routine the way I have stuck with Insanity, it's not easy by any means but I feel great once I am done and I can feel it all over in every muscle, but in a GREAT way!  I now weigh 148lbs (now, I don't have a scale and I'm not sure what I was even wearing when I weighed in at 150, but last night at my mom's I weighed 148)

So - I'm gonna say I lost 2LBS!!  (Could be more)  I believe that's a healthy amount for 1 week, I don't have too much to lose so if I can do 2 lbs per week I will surpass my goal of 15 lbs down in 60 days. 

My goal is to be 135 lbs, if I lose 2 lbs per week I will be at 132 :) YES!!!

I CAN DO IT, and YOU can too!

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