Follow me on my weight loss journey with Insanity

Monday, April 9, 2012

Feeling Guilty

With all the buzz around the holiday and being so busy at work and at home, I haven't worked out in DAYS.  I feel disgusting to say the least.  I told Nick that I feel like I still look exactly the same as I did at Day 1 and I was getting very frustrated with myself because I have put in so much work so far to just give up now.  So no matter how hard my days are, I know I have to get my workout in, even if it is just for my own peace of mind.

I tell ya, doing a kick-butt workout may seem tough, but stopping is even worse on my self-esteem and overall well being.  I have to get back at it.

I need your help staying motivated!!!!

On a good note, Nick said I look beautiful and he doesn't think that I needed to lose any weight in the first place....what a tweety bird.

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