Follow me on my weight loss journey with Insanity

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


When I began Insanity I had every intention of sticking with it.  It made me feel good to be so active and to be eating healthier.  My motivation for eating healthy was the simple fact that I didn't want to waste all the calories I burned doing the DVDs on junk food!  I am still eating healthy and watching my calorie intake.  I never thought I would be one to read labels and check calories per serving but I find myself doing it constantly.

I am staying within my 1,500 calorie per day range, give or take a few. 

I did not realize or consider how busy my life would be come Spring.  Nick and I have 2 large gardens, flower beds, 5 chickens, 3 cats and 2 dogs.  Also, I have an almost 4 month old baby girl that needs me more than I need to workout.

I start my day at 5am, get up, shower, make Madison's bottle and cereal, feed her, burp her, change her and play with her.  I get ready for work and then I drive Madison to Beth's house in Jackson.  Come back to Hanover for work for approx. 8 hrs, go get Madison from Beth's and come home (if I don't have any errands to run).  Once I arrive home at around 6pm I feed her, burp her, change her, play with her, put her down for a nap and go outside to do yard work.  I then make dinner, eat dinner and by that time it's usually after 9pm and I am ready for bed.

I am not writing out my schedule for anyone to feel bad for me, I am simply trying to demonstrate the average day in the life of Jenny Denig.

I wouldn't trade my time with Madison for anything in the world and I wish we could spend even more time together, and I love my job and the people I work with and I wouldn't trade that either.

I do burn calories and I hope to be able to get some of the Insanity workouts in, but unfortunately it will have to be on MY schedule, not by the Insanity Calendar.

I am still at 6lbs down, and I hope to continue to burn fat and lose weight working outside, at work and taking care of Madison.  I also want to keep doing "run club" with Kelsie and Amanda (and maybe get a run in with Emma every now and again)

Wish me luck, friends.  I am struggling with some self esteem issues now and I hope to be past that soon.  I am getting in shape, eating healthier and taking on a more active lifestyle.  I need to keep reminding myself of that.

Love you all and thanks for all the support and encouragement!

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