Follow me on my weight loss journey with Insanity

Monday, May 7, 2012


It's been a few weeks since I have worked out at all, I feel miserable about that fact, but I am being completely honest with you.

I wish I would have stuck with the workout regimen better, I know I can do more and I need to push myself.

Time is not on my side!  I know my baby comes first but I need to be healthy for her sake, also.  I need to realize that my time spent working out is sacrificing time I spend with her now, but I know I need to be around as long as I can to watch her grow and that starts now.  I am still young, but I wont be forever, that is why I need to stay in shape and eat healthy and use my HEAD.  Working out makes me feel better about myself, and it is helping my heart stay healthy too. 

So, today, I will re-start my Insanity workouts, I will be starting back on Day 1, I could cheat and go to Day 20 where I ended my last attempt, but it won't be beneficial to me to cheat myself.

Day 1, Round 2 here we GO!

New Day 1 pics still to come!

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